Register for the Church Multiplication Intensive
Click on the links above to go the registration pages.
Please note to attend the Church Multiplication Intensive and the Annual Gathering you must register for each one.
Everything a Church Planter Ever Needed to Know but Didn’t Know to Ask
When starting new churches, planters face so many immediate questions like where to find people, how to disciple new believers, and what kind of space is available for meetings. Issues arise along the way that are more difficult to anticipate. Forces seem to be at work, too, that are not obvious.
What should we be asking about starting churches that we don’t even know to ask?
Lizette Beard
Lizette coordinates research projects for LifeWay Research on topics such as multi-site churches, church planting, small groups, discipleship, and church planter assessment. She was also the project manager for the church planting project Ed Stetzer did with Leadership Network in 2006 and 2007. Lizette has a bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies and a master’s in Missiology. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in applied theology (North American Church Planting). Lizette is wise, witty, and insightful. We look forward to hearing from her!
Venue: University of St Thomas
Hearth Room (ASC 340)
Cost: $75 per person
Monday, July 8
6:00 p Kickoff Dinner
7:00 p Session 1
9:00 p Break for Evening
Tuesday, July 9
9:00 a Session 2
10:15 a Break
10:45 a Session 3
12:00 p Closing Celebration & Lunch
Housing Options
Housing is available at the University of St Thomas through conference registration. Please use the links to the right to make your arrangements.
Special food needs (gluten free and vegetarian) options are available please email Rob to let him know of your preferences.
Questions: e-mail: