The National Association of Evangelicals has issued a statement on the proposed Equality Act that was passed by the House of Representatives on February 25th.
Equality Act Lacks Religious Freedom Protections – National Association of Evangelicals (
The Equality Act now resides with the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration. We share the concern of others who are faithful followers of Jesus who live in obedience to the Word of God. The Equality Act has provisions that are in opposition to the CCCC position papers on Homosexuals and The Christian Fellowship and Biblical Marriage.
“Instead of offering carefully crafted win/win solutions that respect the needs of all Americans, the Equality Act pits LGBT persons against those who believe that God created humans as male and female, and that sexual intimacy is a precious gift from God reserved for marriage between a woman and a man,” NAE President Walter Kim said. “This one-sided bill would guarantee decades of continued polarization rather than providing the basis for Americans to live together peacefully despite our profound differences.”
The Board of Directors discussed the implications of this bill at the most recent meeting. The Board appointed a sub-committee to prepare a sample letter that could be used by our members to contact appropriate Congressional leaders. This letter is complete and is available for download [Equality Act Letter – Recommended edition]. We encourage our members to learn more about the Equality Act and appropriately respond to national leaders on this matter.