Code of Ethics for Ministers

In My Own Life

  • I will always devote time to seeking the will of God through reading the Scriptures and prayer.
  • I will endeavor to keep myself physically and emotionally fit.
  • I will seek in all ways to be Christ like in my attitude and conduct.
  • I will seek mutual accountability and spiritual friendship with fellow Christians for personal encouragement and nurture in order to ensure faithfulness to my calling as a steadfast follower and competent servant of my Lord Jesus Christ.

In Relationship to My Family

  • I will consider each member of my immediate family as precious gifts from God, and will carefully, lovingly and responsibly meet their needs as a sacred obligation before Him.
  • I will give spiritual leadership in my home.
    I will be faithful and loyal to my family members, loving them as Jesus Christ loves His Church.

In Relationship to the Church

  • I will remember that I am called to lead, but also to serve.
  • I will never violate a confidence given to me.
  • I will be diligent in my duties as pastor, never lazy, but with God as my judge and my Shepherd.
  • I will be Biblical in my preaching, presenting the whole counsel of God, speaking the truth in love.
  • I will strive to introduce people to Christ, and to build His Church.
  • I will consider my call to the church a sacred responsibility and stand by my commitment to the church and leaders.
  • I will seek the unity of the church and resist any attempts to divide the congregation, either by supporting factions within the congregation or by my own initiative.

In Relationship to Other Ministers

  • I will be a brother in Christ to my fellow ministers.
  • I will not seek to build the church I serve at the expense of another church, nor my ego at the expense of another minister.
  • I will not speak uncharitably of either my predecessor or my successor.
  • I will refrain from pastoral contacts with former parishioners except with the knowledge of the
    present pastor.

In Relationship to the Conference

  • I will participate in the larger fellowship of the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference,
    and seek to support through prayer and action its aims and objectives.

In Relationship to the Community

  • I will seek to be responsible in my personal finances.
  • I will seek to build a positive relationship with the community without sacrificing my ministry to
    the church.

Download PDF: Code of Ethics for Ministers