
The Missions Committee of the CCCC exists to “encourage and stimulate missionary interests in the local churches” of the Conference. In other words, we exist to serve you! By helping our member churches and pastors do missions better and more strategically, the whole Conference benefits.Here are some of the ways we can help:

Recruiting – with years of combined wisdom and experience, your Missions Committee is ready to assist you in raising up missionaries from your own congregation (regardless of your membership size). Every church can send out missionaries!

Missionary Preparation – your Missions Committee can help your leadership in overseeing your missionaries’ preparation and schooling so that they are fully prepared for the field to which the Lord has called them.

Training/Seminars – your Missions Committee offers training and seminars for your church (e.g., The Harvest Connection) to help your whole congregation catch a missions vision and participate in fulfilling the Great Commission mandate. Please note: the $500 seminar fee for The Harvest Connection is waived for member CCCC congregations who host the seminar in their own church!

Consultations – your Missions Committee members have vast knowledge and understanding on issues of effective global evangelization. We are ready and willing to come to your church and help you design a missions program for your unique ministry context.

Missions Conferences – your Missions Committee can help you develop exciting Missions Conferences that will help to educate your congregation on missions and introduce your missionaries to the whole body.

Short-term Missions – your Missions Committee plans several cross-cultural ministry trips each year to expose and excite our pastors and churches toward deeper missions commitment.These trips are for young and old…and they’ll change your life!

People Group Adoption – your Missions Committee has plans and partnerships in place to connect you and your church to cultures where Jesus has yet to be preached.We can help you have a significant impact in reaching the world for Christ through “adopting” an un-reached people group.

Missionary Care
 – your Missions Committee can help you and your church more effectively minister to the needs of your missionaries both on the field and on furlough.

Research – your Missions Committee is now striving to keep the Conference “on the cutting edge” of missions ministry by keeping abreast trends, people movements and paradigm shifts in global evangelism.We can help you obtain the information you need for an effective missions ministry.