Women’s Ministries

The Women’s Ministry Committee exists to unify the women of our Conference in Christ, encourage and dedicate our resources and time to minister to the needs of all women affiliated with the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference.

How can we serve you?

Just click on the photos or links below.

Get more information about what’s going on with the Women’s committee at the Annual Gathering

Facebooksmiling-woman-touching-a-tablet-computer-in-a-park – Like us on Facebook! Keep track of all the latest CCCC Women’s Ministry events, prayer request and other news!

Women’s Committee Member Profiles – Get to know us, we are here to serve you!

Contact Us – We’d love to hear from you!

Young woman reading bible by stream in summer

52 Weeks- Women’s Devotional– a PDF devotional booklet provided for you by the Women’s Ministries Committee.

Women’s Ministries AG Resource Table Ideas and Guidelines

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised”
(Proverbs 31:30, NIV)